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Reset Local Windows 10 Password (german)


Startet euren Rechner mit dem Windows 10-Installationsmedium und klickt im Begrüßungsbildschirm...

Updated 2 weeks ago by tinfoil-hat

Autostart VM on Boot


In this guide, we are going to learn how to autostart VirtualBox VMs on system boot on Linux. On ...

Updated 9 months ago by tinfoil-hat



Mirror whole Web-Pages via wget wget -mkEpnp -e robots=off --convert-links Download only .mp3 f...

Updated 9 months ago by tinfoil-hat

Skip Twitters Ratelimiting

Nitter server - Pass Rate Limiting

Mitigating Unauthorized Web Scraping Bot Traffic The current design of Nitter, along with its met...

Updated 9 months ago by tinfoil-hat

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Local Apt-Mirror

How do make a local debian apt mirror To create a local Debian APT mirror, you can follow these g...

Updated 9 months ago by tinfoil-hat

[need review] Stable Diffusion AMD Debian ROCm

Stable Diffusion AMD - rocm Debian

I assume you already have Docker installed Create Stable Diffusion Folder ROCm mkdir SD cd SD Cl...

Updated 9 months ago by tinfoil-hat

Alpaca Electron

Alpaca LLAMA

Alpaca Electron Alpaca Electron is built f...

Updated 1 year ago by tinfoil-hat

Stable Diffusion AMD Linux ROCm

Stable diffusion

This repository contains instructions on how to host your own AI for image generation using stabl...

Updated 1 year ago by tinfoil-hat

Part 1: Prerequisites

How - To GPU - Passtrough

Before we begin, let's install some necessary packages: sudo apt install libvirt-daemon-system li...

Updated 1 year ago by tinfoil-hat

9. Practice


I am assuming you already have Monitor Mode active We want to check all the networks which have W...

Updated 1 year ago by tinfoil-hat

8. WPA and WPA2 Cracking


Both, WPA and WPA2 can be cracked using the same methods. They are made ti adress the issues in W...

Updated 1 year ago by tinfoil-hat

7. WEP Cracking


If the Network isn't busy we need to force the AccessPoint to generate new packages. We are doing...

Updated 1 year ago by tinfoil-hat

6. Fake Authentication Attack


Why do we the fake Auth? APs can only communicate with connected Clients If we aren't connected,...

Updated 1 year ago by tinfoil-hat

5. Gaining Access - WEP Cracking


Basics WEP means: Wired Equvalent Privacy It's an old encryption Uses an algorythm called RC4 S...

Updated 1 year ago by tinfoil-hat

4. Targeted Packet Sniffing


After scanning via airodump-ng you get like previous stated a similar output like this: Pic a ta...

Updated 1 year ago by tinfoil-hat

3. WiFi Bands and Frequencies


Now I'd like to talk about WiFi Bands. The Band defines what frequencies it uses to broadcast the...

Updated 1 year ago by tinfoil-hat

2. Pre Connection Attacks


I am assuming you already did this: >>you need to prepare your network card like here<< Scan Netw...

Updated 1 year ago by tinfoil-hat

1. Monitor Mode & Randomized MAC


Check Network Adapters iwconfig Cofigure Monitor Mode Standard Mode should be Mode:Managed and P...

Updated 1 year ago by tinfoil-hat

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Fill disks with zeroes dd if=/dev/zero bs=1M of=/dev/sda status=progress Fill disks with random ...

Updated 1 year ago by tinfoil-hat

Create and restore apt-package-list


you can use this list for example to install all your apt packages on another machine, for exampl...

Updated 1 year ago by tinfoil-hat