5. Gaining Access - WEP Cracking
- WEP means: Wired Equvalent Privacy
it'It's an old encryptionusesUses an algorythm called RC4stillStill used in some networkscanCan be cracked easily
How Encryption works
eachEach Package is encrypted via a unique Keystream- Random Initialization Vector (IV) is used to generate the Keystreams
- The IV is only 24 bits
- IV + (password) Key = keystream
WEP Cracking
- IV is too small (24bits)
- IV is sent in plain text
- IV's will repeat on busy networks
- This will make WEP vulnerable to statistical attacks
- Repeated IV's can be used to determine the Keystream
- And break the encryption
Because the router already knows the (password) Key WLAN devices just need to send the IV