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128 total results found
How - To GPU - Passtrough
Alpaca LLAMA
Local Models
Stable Diffusion AMD - rocm Debian
Hi, there are several posts about how to install stable diffusion on AMD Cards, but just for Ubuntu and not Debian. Docker can help us there
Local Apt-Mirror
Nitter server - Pass Rate Limiting
Tar Backup via SSH
Create Backup tar -cf - sourcedir | ssh user@destinationserver 'cat > file.tar' Restore Backup ssh user@destinationserver 'cat file.tar' | tar -xf - -C root/dir
Wargames http://www...
apt-search for compiling
Whenever a compile fails with a missing file simply leverage the infrastructure to search for the missing ubuntu package apt-file search some_missing_file_goes_here # cmd 1 apt-file search X11/extensions/Xcomposite.h # cmd 1 which returns with l...
Search files for username and group
find / -user username -group groupname -ls```
grep string in txt / plaintext file grep searchstring data.txt grep files in folderstructure grep -r searchstring /home/user/data/*
ROT13 ("rotate by 13 places", sometimes hyphenated ROT-13) is a simple letter substitution cipher that replaces a letter with the 13th letter after it in the alphabet. ROT13 is a special case of the Caesar cipher which was developed in ancient Rome. https://ww...
Revert commits
revert to last commit: git reset --soft HEAD~1 revert to commit X and don’t forget the final ‘ .’ git checkout <commit-id> . Add this version to the staging area and push to remote git add . git commit -m "Reverting to <commit-id>" git push
Simple Overview of all Settings
Create new folder name it: GodMode.{ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C} Rename it to something meaningful Enjoy all Windows Settings
Simple Overview of all Settings
Create new folder name it: GodMode.{ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C} Rename it to something meaningful Enjoy all Windows Settings
Compression and Decompressing
Get file extension file unknownfiletype.bin unknownfiletype.bin: gzip compressed data, was “data2.bin”, last modified: Thu May 7 18:14:30 2020, max compression, from Unix Decompress Decompress Tarball tar xf file3.tar Extract .tar.gz file to current working...
Stable Diffusion AMD Linux ROCm
This repository contains instructions on how to host your own AI for image generation using stable diffusion with an 8GB VRAM AMD GPU on Linux. This is an affordable and efficient alternative to using Google Colab, which can be quite expensive. Watch this YouT...
My Setup
Install Packages apt install vim curl wget tor torsocks torbrowser-launcher vokoscreen-ng wireshark filezilla thunderbird keepassxy ssh openvpn network-manager-openvpn-gnome kolourpaint zsh tmux screen rsync rclone bridge-utils virt-manager qbittorrent aria2 k...
GPU Passtrough on Linuxmint 21
0: Pretext This Setup requires 2 Graphic Cards (1ntegrated and one internal PCI Graphicscard - or - two internal PCI Graphic Cards) Also I am using and AMD CPU, remember to use the equivalents if you have an intel CPU. Also the Sound setup is for Pulseaudio. I...
New Page
Fill disks with zeroes dd if=/dev/zero bs=1M of=/dev/sda status=progress Fill disks with random numbers dd if=/dev/urandom bs=1M of=/dev/sda status=progress
1. Monitor Mode & Randomized MAC
Check Network Adapters iwconfig Cofigure Monitor Mode Standard Mode should be Mode:Managed and Power Management: off Powerdown wifi card ifconfig wlan0 down Kill all programs using the wireless card: airmon-ng check kill change mode to Monitor iwconfig wlan...
2. Pre Connection Attacks
I am assuming you already did this: >>you need to prepare your network card like here<< Scan Networks airodump-ng wlan0 You should see something like this: let's break this down: BSSID Is the MAC Address of the Network PWR Is the signal strenght or power. Th...
3. WiFi Bands and Frequencies
Now I'd like to talk about WiFi Bands. The Band defines what frequencies it uses to broadcast the signal. That means it also defines the Frequency the Client must have to be able to support and use in order to connect to the network. The most common frequencie...
4. Targeted Packet Sniffing
After scanning via airodump-ng you get like previous stated a similar output like this: Pic a target network like shown in the ESSID airodump-ng --bssid 11:22:33:44:55:55 --channel 5 --write ~/test-01 wlan0 You will see someting like this: Now you'll get se...
5. Gaining Access - WEP Cracking
Basics WEP means: Wired Equvalent Privacy It's an old encryption Uses an algorythm called RC4 Still used in some networks Can be cracked easily How Encryption works Each Package is encrypted via a unique Keystream Random Initialization Vector (IV) is used ...
8. WPA and WPA2 Cracking
Both, WPA and WPA2 can be cracked using the same methods. They are made ti adress the issues in WEP and made much more secure. Each packet is encrypted using a unique tempoary key. Packets contain no useful information WPA and WPA2 Cracking both can be crac...